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Auditing II: How to import the auditing reports in BOE

Written by Hemanta Banerjee | Oct 18, 2010 1:28:00 PM

In my last post here I had explained how to enable auditing in BOE. This post focuses on using the provided universe and reports that give a great jump start to analysing the audit database.

Thankfully SAP provides a universe and some sample reports. While they are not exactly 100% of what you would need it is a great start. The universe is bundled with the BOE samples and can be found in Program FilesBusiness ObjectsBusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0Samplesuniverse.

Open the Activity.unv file using your universe designer. You will have to set the database connection to point to your auditing database. This can be done by setting the connection information in the properties for the universe.

Export the universe to BOE repository. I have created a separate folder called Audit for placing the universe as well as any reports that I will subsequently create against the audit database.

The key folders in the universe are

Class/Object Purpose
Activity Captures all the activity details including name, duration, object accessed (universe/document),
Job Time Frame This is used for scheduled jobs
Session Analysis Used to analyze the logon session, duration, client IP
Server Information Used to analyze the BOE services such as job server, RAS used to respond to end user queries.


There are some reports also bundled with the samples (D:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsBusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0Samples) which can be imported using the BIAR tool. Unfortunately the reports have not been updated and you are probably better off developing your own (unless you are just demoing). Some key reports that you might want to develop:

Number of User Sessions This metric will allow you to trend the adoption of the system based on number of user sessions by week, month, quarter.

Peak Usage Analyze the number of users accessing the system by hour to determine peak usage patterns.


Average Refresh Time Will allow you to report to the stakeholders the average refresh time for each report and also the system wide refresh time. Will keep the whiners away.

Top 5/10 Longest Average Refresh Time by Document Will help pinpoint reports that probably need some work

Top 10 Longest Refresh Instances By User The report would help you to proactively identify which users are experiencing bad performance and proactively try to address their requirement.

Least/Most Accessed Documents